2 min readApr 29, 2021


we are told that when we grow up, life will start making sense. everything will fall into place, they say. don’t stress, it’ll all be fine, they say.

growing up in a world being destroyed by human beings, boiling over with racism, sexism, homophobia, the list is a never ending reminder of how doomed our futures are.

how are we supposed to be excited for our futures in the big wide world if the world we live in is hanging on by a thread? what is there to be excited of when climate change and human impact is destroying the natural environment and causing plastic pollution?

do people in power hide away from the real issues?

why are black men and women being killed for the colour of their skin? by the POLICE?

why are white policemen and women getting shorter prison sentences because of the colour of their skin despite them committing countless crimes?

why can’t women walk home safely without being raped?

why do i feel unsafe every time i’m on my own?

if it’s ‘not all men’ why is it far too many?

why are transgender teenagers being denied healthcare?

why does transphobia and homophobia even still exist?

why are men told to man up even though men suicide rates are sky rocketing?

why are there STILL social injustices?

why are so many animals dying because of plastic pollution?

why do people in power not care about the people they’re supposed to be protecting?!

don’t even get me started on the approach to the pandemic by the tories.

future me, do me a favour and be kind to me. i’m trying my best here, in the current climate we are in.


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